Showroom Hours:   Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 9am- 5pm | Thu: 9am - 8pm | Sat: 9am - 4pm | Sun: Closed

End of Fall Sale!!! Free Accessories & Discounts on Select Regency Fireplaces – Limited Time! Oct 28 - Nov 02

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Stay informed with expert insights and advice from Estates Chimney Sweep. Explore our blog posts for practical tips, safety precautions, product reviews, and more to help you maintain and enjoy your home's fireplace and chimney.

Featured Blog Post

A Guide to Maintaining Your Chimney: Essential Tips from Estates Chimney Sweep Experts

Getting Your Wood Stove or Fireplace Ready for Cold Weather

Try asking 10 different people how they know for sure that the blazing hot days of summer have ended.

What Are the Benefits of a Stainless Steel Chimney Liner?

When you think about a chimney, you picture the brick structure on the side of a house. But there’s another important component to your chimney, one that you can’t really see from the outside, but is still doing an important job.
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